The attack in Hanau

The mural under the Peace Bridge com­me­mo­ra­tes the vic­tims of the racist attack in Hanau on 19 Febru­ary 2020. It com­me­mo­ra­tes Mer­ce­des Kier­pacz, Fer­hat Unvar, Hamza Kur­to­vić, Said Nesar Hash­emi, Vili Vio­rel Păun, Kaloyan Vel­kov, Fatih Sara­çoğlu, Sedat Gür­büz and Gök­han Gül­te­kin who died on that day 

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Nine peo­ple were mur­de­red in Hanau on 19 Febru­ary 2020 for racist motives.

Hanau joins the ranks: Again and again there are racist and anti-Semi­tic attacks and mur­ders in Ger­many. Racism and anti-Semi­tism are also omni­pre­sent in ever­y­day life. For exam­ple, BIPoC ⊕ are often affec­ted by racial pro­fil­ing ⊕ and police vio­lence, espe­ci­ally in the nearby Frank­furt sta­tion dis­trict, while at the same time right-wing extre­mist ›indi­vi­dual cases‹ are known in the police and right-wing par­ties are elec­ted. Last but not least, socie­tal racism also includes the dying at the EU’s exter­nal bor­ders and the decis­ion of Euro­pean mem­ber sta­tes to deny basic rights to peo­ple see­king protection.

The crime scenes

The crime scen­ces, the shi­sha bar, ano­ther bar and the kiosk in Hanau, are mee­ting and lei­sure places where, among others, migrants or peo­ple read as such meet. At the same time, they are small busi­nesses that create income pro­s­pects and jobs. This is true for the places in Hanau as well as in Frankfurt’s Bahn­hofs­vier­tel, which is very close by here. These are socio-eco­no­mic­ally mar­gi­na­li­sed places that are racia­li­sed ⊕ and pla­ced under gene­ral sus­pi­cion by the press and aut­ho­ri­ties. On 19 Febru­ary 2020, they became crime sce­nes.  


The pro­test move­ments that have emer­ged, the initia­ti­ves as well as the cohe­sion of the com­mu­ni­ties have shown what struc­tures of soli­da­rity can mean. The rela­ti­ves and sur­vi­vors orga­nise and sup­port each other. The »Initia­tive 19 Febru­ary« has crea­ted a mee­ting space in Hanau and says: »We are foun­ding an initia­tive to give soli­da­rity and the demands for cla­ri­fi­ca­tion and poli­ti­cal con­se­quen­ces a per­ma­nent place. We will not allow 19 Febru­ary 2020 to be swept under the car­pet — like the count­less right-wing mur­ders before it.«

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The sta­ti­ons

A house for everyone

A free space for everyone

The Klap­per­feld

Depor­ta­tion pri­sons and the resis­tance against them


The aut­ho­rity for foreigners

The dif­fi­cult way to both a resi­dence and working permit


Working in Frankfurt

The fight for workers’ rights


The Main-Rail­way-Sta­tion

Racial Pro­fil­ing as a con­stant threat


The Para­dies­hof

The fight for a self­or­ga­nised migrant center


The attack in Hanau

Against racist ter­ror and oblivion


The Bahn­hofs­vier­tel

Important hub for migrant life


Mix­tape Migra­tion is finan­ced by your donations

The tour is free for ever­yone and is acces­si­ble to as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble. At the same time, we are depen­dent on dona­ti­ons and sup­port — we want to make the tour bet­ter known and, in a second step, expand it to include addi­tio­nal topics and stations.

The pro­ject is desi­gned, orga­ni­zed and car­ried out by the non-pro­fit asso­cia­tion turn the cor­ner. turn the cor­ner is com­mit­ted to a society in which we tog­e­ther and con­sciously shape how we want to live and work inde­pendently. A society in which peo­ple can be dif­fe­rent wit­hout coer­cion. Learn more about turn the corner.