Mix­tape Migra­tion is a city tour on life & work in Frankfurt.

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About Mix­tape Migration

What does it mean today to migrate to Frank­furt, to arrive, to live and to work here? What expe­ri­en­ces do peo­ple make in their ever­y­day lives, with aut­ho­ri­ties, at work or in search of it? What struc­tu­ral mecha­nisms of exclu­sion exist and how do peo­ple fight to create spaces for them­sel­ves? In which places does migra­tion mani­fest its­elf in the city? 

Mix­tape Migra­tion explo­res these ques­ti­ons on a vir­tual city tour through Frank­furt am Main. Desi­gned by and with Frank­furt resi­dents who have migra­ted here. Migra­tion has always been an inte­gral part of Frankfurt’s urban society. Yet migra­tion is still seen as a pro­blem that needs to be sol­ved. Peo­ple who migra­ted are often the object of public dis­course rather than being con­side­red an active part of the con­ver­sa­tion. In Mix­tape Migra­tion, affec­ted peo­ple and acti­vists have their say and talk about exclu­sion, dis­cri­mi­na­tion, and their fight against it. 

Join us on a tour through our city and dis­co­ver see­mingly invi­si­ble places and new per­spec­ti­ves! Let’s come tog­e­ther and talk about the kind of city and society we would like to live in!

We are also happy to guide you per­so­nally through the tour!

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Whe­ther with your fri­ends, your group, your com­pany or for insti­tu­ti­ons and edu­ca­tio­nal estab­lish­ments — Mix­tape Migra­tion is also available as a gui­ded tour.

Mix­tape Migra­tion is finan­ced by your donations

The tour is free for ever­yone and is acces­si­ble to as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble. At the same time, we are depen­dent on dona­ti­ons and sup­port — we want to make the tour bet­ter known and, in a second step, expand it to include addi­tio­nal topics and stations.

The pro­ject is desi­gned, orga­ni­zed and car­ried out by the non-pro­fit asso­cia­tion turn the cor­ner. turn the cor­ner is com­mit­ted to a society in which we tog­e­ther and con­sciously shape how we want to live and work inde­pendently. A society in which peo­ple can be dif­fe­rent wit­hout coer­cion. Learn more about turn the cor­ner.