Foto­credit: Soheil Honar­mand

The Main-Rail­way-Sta­tion

Frank­furt Cen­tral Sta­tion sym­bo­li­ses the mobi­lity of modern society, is a hub in the city, in Ger­many and in Europe. It stands for the joyful anti­ci­pa­tion ofjour­ney far away or for the hope of arri­ving safely and coming home. Howe­ver, the cen­tral sta­tion is also a place where peo­ple who are read and/or racia­li­sed ⊕ as migrant and whose mobi­lity is thus con­no­ted as pro­ble­ma­tic are threa­tened and affec­ted by Racial Pro­fil­ing  on a daily basis. In the video, S. and Miguel from Cop­watch Frank­furt talk about racial pro­fil­ing and the poli­ti­cal work against it. 

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Being mobile

The main rail­way sta­tion is the gate­way to a clo­sely net­worked world and the arri­val point in the Euro­pean metro­po­lis of Frank­furt. Almost 500,000 tra­vel­lers arrive, depart or con­ti­nue their jour­ney here every day. Being mobile, being on the move, being able to move freely is a cen­tral motor of life, a mat­ter of course for many. Free­dom of move­ment is a fun­da­men­tal right for EU citi­zens. In the sum­mer of 2015, peo­ple at the »gates of Europe« fought hard for a brief moment to take this for gran­ted. Some of them also arri­ved here at the main sta­tion in Frank­furt in search of a life in safety and peace. The images of civil society for help and soli­da­rity at the main sta­tion here and throug­hout Ger­many were emble­ma­tic of the so-cal­led »Ger­man wel­come cul­ture« at the time. While this fit in quite well with the self-image of a huma­ni­ta­rian, (once again) good Ger­man nation, it also stood in stark con­trast to the rea­li­ties of Ger­man asylum and migra­tion policy.   

Raci­ally excluded and controlled

Rea­li­ties of racism and natio­na­lism inscribe them­sel­ves into the city and as well as into people’s lives here at main sta­tion. Because free­dom of move­ment does not apply equally to all peo­ple. Mobi­lity is cate­go­ri­sed, eva­lua­ted, pro­mo­ted or limi­ted. Peo­ple are made into »expats«, »refu­gees« or »migrants«.  When »migra­tion« is men­tio­ned, it is often in a nega­tive and racist con­text. Migra­tion is usually trea­ted as a social pro­blem that needs to be sol­ved. One that sup­po­sedly threa­tens law and order. One that is clo­sely ent­an­gled with capi­ta­list inte­rests and racism.   

And peo­ple who are read and/or racia­li­sed as migrant feel this every day — also here at the main sta­tion. For exam­ple, when they are che­cked by the police »wit­hout sus­pi­cion« because of »exter­nal cha­rac­te­ristics«. Because they are assu­med to have a migra­tion history or a cer­tain ori­gin, the main sta­tion and its sur­roun­dings are any­thing but a safe place for them to arrive, to leave, to stay, to be (wel­co­med). Cop­watch Frank­furt coun­ters the nor­ma­lity of racial pro­fil­ing and racist police vio­lence with con­crete sup­port for those affec­ted, soli­da­rity-based acti­va­tion of passers-by and poli­ti­cal public rela­ti­ons work. You can find out more about the work of the initia­tive here 

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The sta­ti­ons

A house for everyone

A free space for everyone

The Klap­per­feld

Depor­ta­tion pri­sons and the resis­tance against them


The aut­ho­rity for foreigners

The dif­fi­cult way to both a resi­dence and working permit


Working in Frankfurt

The fight for workers’ rights


The Main-Rail­way-Sta­tion

Racial Pro­fil­ing as a con­stant threat


The Para­dies­hof

The fight for a self­or­ga­nised migrant center


The attack in Hanau

Against racist ter­ror and oblivion


The Bahn­hofs­vier­tel

Important hub for migrant life


Mix­tape Migra­tion is finan­ced by your donations

The tour is free for ever­yone and is acces­si­ble to as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble. At the same time, we are depen­dent on dona­ti­ons and sup­port — we want to make the tour bet­ter known and, in a second step, expand it to include addi­tio­nal topics and stations.

The pro­ject is desi­gned, orga­ni­zed and car­ried out by the non-pro­fit asso­cia­tion turn the cor­ner. turn the cor­ner is com­mit­ted to a society in which we tog­e­ther and con­sciously shape how we want to live and work inde­pendently. A society in which peo­ple can be dif­fe­rent wit­hout coer­cion. Learn more about turn the corner.