Foto­credit: Soheil Honar­mand

The Klap­per­feld

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At this place, the Klap­per­feld, the vio­lent expe­ri­ence of depor­ta­tion detention beco­mes tan­gi­ble. The history of the pri­son from its con­s­truc­tion at the end of the 19th cen­tury to the end of its use as such in 2002. Since 2009, the Klap­per­feld has been a self-mana­ged cul­tu­ral cen­ter. The »Fai­tes votre jeu!« initia­tive is working on the history and its signi­fi­cance for the pre­sent, among other things, and is making the site acces­si­ble to a broad public through exhi­bi­ti­ons. Kathy from the »Arbeits­kreis 2. Stock at Klap­per­feld« gives an insight into the con­tra­dic­tions and simul­tanei­ties of the place:


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Doro and Thors­ten from »com­mu­nity for all« make the con­nec­tion to cur­rent Ger­man depor­ta­tion policy, which can be seen, for exam­ple, in the Darm­stadt depor­ta­tion detention cen­ter: What does detention do to those affec­ted? What cri­ti­cism and scope for action are there?


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The history of Klapperfeld

The Klap­per­feld police pri­son was built in 1886. Since then, there have been many dif­fe­rent pha­ses of use. From the 1980s until the buil­ding was clo­sed in 2002, pri­soners awai­ting depor­ta­tion were detai­ned here. Since 2009, the Klap­per­feld has been home to the »Fai­tes votre jeu!« initia­tive, which has taken on the his­to­ri­cal-poli­ti­cal exami­na­tion of the buil­ding. The rooms are self-mana­ged and used non-com­mer­ci­ally for cri­ti­cal, poli­ti­cal, artis­tic and cul­tu­ral work. The exhi­bi­tion RAUS VON HIER. Inscrip­ti­ons by pri­soners in depor­ta­tion detention and police cus­t­ody in Klap­per­feld 1955–2002 takes a clo­ser look at the use of the pri­son in the last deca­des before its clo­sure. The num­e­rous inscrip­ti­ons tell the sto­ries of the detai­nees and illus­trate the importance of poli­ti­cal remem­brance and coming to terms with the history of such a place in the heart of Frankfurt.

Detention pen­ding depor­ta­tion today

What is a thing of the past in Klap­per­feld is still a rea­lity in other places in Hesse: detention pen­ding depor­ta­tion still exists. As an admi­nis­tra­tive mea­sure, it is not orde­red on the basis of a cri­mi­nal offense, but ser­ves solely to secure or prepare the depor­ta­tion of so-cal­led »for­eig­ners obli­ged to leave the coun­try«. As the Euro­pean Court of Jus­tice has pro­hi­bi­ted detention pen­ding depor­ta­tion from being car­ried out in pri­sons since 2014, seve­ral detention pen­ding depor­ta­tion faci­li­ties have been put into ope­ra­tion at fede­ral state level. The Darm­stadt-Eber­stadt faci­lity for detention pen­ding depor­ta­tion (AHE) has been in ope­ra­tion since March 2018 and was expan­ded at the end of 2020.

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The sta­ti­ons

A house for everyone

An open space for all


The aut­ho­rity for foreigners

The dif­fi­cult way to both a resi­dence and working permit


Working in Frankfurt

The fight for workers’ rights


The Main-Rail­way-Sta­tion

Racial Pro­fil­ing as a con­stant threat


The Para­dies­hof

The fight for a self­or­ga­nised migrant center


The attack in Hanau

Against racist ter­ror and oblivion


The Bahn­hofs­vier­tel

Important hub for migrant life


Mix­tape Migra­tion is finan­ced by your donations

The tour is free for ever­yone and is acces­si­ble to as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble. At the same time, we are depen­dent on dona­ti­ons and sup­port — we want to make the tour bet­ter known and, in a second step, expand it to include addi­tio­nal topics and stations.

The pro­ject is desi­gned, orga­ni­zed and car­ried out by the non-pro­fit asso­cia­tion turn the cor­ner. turn the cor­ner is com­mit­ted to a society in which we tog­e­ther and con­sciously shape how we want to live and work inde­pendently. A society in which peo­ple can be dif­fe­rent wit­hout coer­cion. Mehr über turn the cor­ner erfah­ren.