Fotocredit: Soheil Honarmand
A house for everyone
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This station was funded by: Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
Here we are in the Gründerroderstraße, in front of the house number 5. Here, a group of activists occupied a house in December 2022. In the months that followed, poject.shelter the Ada canteen and the collective »Freiräume statt Glaspaläste« used it. This house and the conflict around it exemplify the situation in Frankfurt and in the Gallus district — especially the situation of migrant and poor people. They are pushed to the margins in the tough housing market, they have no way to get housing. Project.shelter has been drawing attention to this topic for a long time (see the station of the tour to the Paradishof), and the interdependencies between residence status, poverty, and opportunities on the housing market become particularly clear.
When you are standing in the street you will no longer see the house, in June 2023 the house project »Gündi« moved to Höchst to Palleskestraße 31–33.
We document the statement of the groups of the house project:
»Gründi 5« — one house togehter in solidarity
The Beginning
In December 2022, activists from the collective »Freiräume statt Glaspaläste« occupied the vacant house at Günderroderstraße 5, affectionately called »Gündi 5«. The occupation is intended to make deficits and struggles that marginalized members of Frankfurt’s society experience on a daily basis visible: racist exclusion, homelessness, capitalist logics of exploitation instead of a housing policy based on solidarity. The occupation follows years of struggles for a city for all, which remained largely unanswered by the Frankfurt city government.
A safe place
Surprisingly, instead of a quick eviction, a usage agreement can be negotiated with the municipal real estate and property company KEG. At the invitation of the collective, the collaboration with the Ada canteen and Project.Shelter begins to face the new challenges together. Both groups have been active for several years to improve the conditions in which people arrive, work, live and survive in Frankfurt. From these years in the struggle against poverty, discrimination and exclusion, there is already a lot of knowledge in terms of experience and networks. It quickly becomes clear that such freedom is urgently needed: In the six months of the occupation, a total of 35 people, most of whom were previously homeless or houseless, moved in. In the Gündi 5 house project, they have found a safe place to sleep and retreat, but also a community of solidarity and support.
To build the alternative
In August 2023, Gündi 5 was demolished, but it was clear to everyone involved that they wanted to continue the project no matter what. Therefore, at the beginning of June 2023, the joint house and residential project moved into the former FES site in Palleskestraße in Frankfurt-Höchst. Our project is supported by the collective « Freiräume statt Glaspaläste«, the Ada canteen and project.shelter, among others. The house project here in Höchst wants to be more than just a roof over their heads for people who otherwise don’t have one. They want to create an atmosphere where people help each other and are there for each other. They see themselves as political and organize together against empty houses, high rents, racial exclusion and discriminatory conditions that block people’s social participation, housing, legal security and access to support structures.
The alternative concept is lived — instead of a confrontation, a solidary togetherness!
The goal is not only to implement this in Palleskestraße 31–33, but to be effective throughout Frankfurt, the support of many people in the neighborhood in Gallus, in Höchst and in the wider city society is a motivating start. »Gündi West« remains resistant, as a space of coexistence and as a place of organizing beyond that.
For a city for all, for the good life for all.
More on the topic:
Press release
Here you can see a short version of the film »ein Haus für Alle — was wir brauchen, was wir können« (2023, 46 min.) by Medienkollektiv Frankfurt.
You can find more information about the film and showtimes at
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Die Tour ist für alle kostenlos und ist für möglichst viele Menschen zugänglich. Gleichzeitig sind wir auf Spenden und Unterstützung angewiesen- wir wollen die Tour bekannter machen und in einem zweiten Schritt um weitere Themen und Stationen erweitern.
Das Projekt wird vom gemeinnützigen Verein turn the corner konzipiert, organisiert und durchgeführt. turn the corner setzt sich für eine Gesellschaft ein, in der wir gemeinsam und bewusst gestalten, wie wir selbstbestimmt leben und arbeiten wollen. Eine Gesellschaft, in der Menschen ohne Zwang verschieden sein können. Mehr über turn the corner erfahren.